Sponsored Giveaway
- Giveaway on Blushing Ambers featuring your business’s product(s)
- 8 Days
- 3 dedicated posts (M announce, Th remind, M winner announce)
- Opportunity to feature store and sponsored product line spotlight (multiple graphics)
- perfect for promoting popular gift items
- Prime placement
- Front page
- Sent to feeds & email
- Remains in content permanently
- Minimum 3 tweets re. giveaway
- Potential: Word of mouth and winner blog coverage
- Available in Benefit Trio
- Prime placement
- Front page
- Sent to feed & email
- Remains in content permanently
- Available in Benefit Trio
- Prime placement
- Front page
- All individual and categories page
- Available in Benefit Trio
Benefit Trio: All Packages
- 3 month Shop Page placement or
- 3 month gradual ad placement on Front page
- Opportunity to contribute to periodic swag bag giveaways
- Heavily publicized, particularly during holidays and a great to promote popular gift items
For all business inquiries please email Amberly Carter at Business@blushingambers.com with the subject line Business Inquiry: RFP