Friday, June 17, 2011

The Make Me Feel Beautiful Campaign

My mom is a Registered Nurse (RN) for our neighborhood hospital in the Hospice unit.  That means she's making her patients, who are considered to be near the end of life, as comfortable as possible.  When I visit her at her job I always think to myself, how would I feel knowing that my days are numbered.  I hear that all the time at church because no one knows when they are going to die. Somehow it resonates a lot more when I with those that are terminally ill.  Death becomes real to me and I remember that I am not immune to it. This all brought about a special project that I've been trying to get off the ground for about 7 months. I will be starting a community service project where I do makeovers on women who are hospitalized with chronic or terminal illnesses. I want them to feel beautiful, despite their condition. I know there is a lot of red tape to get through in order to work with patients, but I finally got a call on yesterday to come in and meet with someone about officially setting up this service project.  I'm calling it the Make Me Feel Beautiful Campaign.  It's more about making the patients feeling beautiful because someone is taking the time to pay them attention.  Letting them know that every minute of their life they should feel important and worthy of being treated with respect and honor, like that of a princess or queen. So this is my way of giving back to my community using my time, talents and treasures.

Hopefully I'll be allowed to post pictures of me with the patients. If you as a reader are touched by the Make Me Feel Beautiful Campaign and want to write a letter of encouragement for me to read to the patients, please forward those to Also, if you are interested in hearing more, volunteering or donating to this cause financially or with in kind gifts email me at

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