Friday, July 8, 2011

Beyond the Blog

I want my blog to be my full time job one day and here's why.

I actually have a full time job that has a lot of down time and allows me the opportunity to focus on my blog almost from 9-5. It's really convenient at the moment, but I would love to work from home. I feel that what I do matters and I would like to be as productive as possible. Much of my inspiration comes from just being around makeup or sitting in my home makeup studio. More importantly, I'd like turn the blog into a full on organization that does community service and programming. I want to provide more information and research on body image in a scientific and scholarly way.

I had a discussion with other beauty bloggers this week and we talked about Christina of, a great beauty guru who said she plans her life around her blog. Here's what I had to say about that:

I see my blog as something that can be larger than me, especially since it creates awareness for serious issues such as body dysmorphic disorder and issues formed around body image. I already look at myself as a director of an organization rather than just an author of a blog. I feel like the "work" I do matters. I actually don't want to have kids because I think that will keep me from giving the time and attention this work as a public speaker/writer/fundraiser/​researcher deserves. In the same breath, if I were to get married and have a child, I'm sure I'd find a way to work it all out. I have that much passion for the work I do with Blushing Ambers.

 I appreciate all of the comments and support from friends, family and followers/readers. Please continue to spread the word about Blushing Ambers and our causes. Subscribe, Like and Follow Me!

Encouraging Comments From Readers:
''Set your standards high and force people to match your worth'' ~Amberly C. (Such a powerful statement!!!) Girl I finally had some time to read your blog site. I am so inspired by you and your mission to inspire women. May you continue to use your creative mind and positive leadership to accomplish great things...." - Cocoa 'Mimi' Campbell on Facebook
"Hey girl, I didn't get a chance to write on your post that you put on my wall, but I just wanted to thank you. I find your articles very interesting, keep em coming! Hope you're doing well! And.. btw..every pic u upload is beautiful! xoxo" - Sharia Cotton on Facebook
"WOW. Ambi, this work that you are doing is something serious. This speaks volumes. Thank you so much for putting yourself out there like this." - Vanessa Leon via email

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